


In Sardinia, the culture of consumption of asparagus is very ancient and originates from use
of shoots from wild biotypes (A. acutifolius and A. albus). Cultivation in Sardinia
Asparagus (A. Officinalis), is mainly produced in the Medio Campidano area and is currently widespread
mainly in the plains of the campidans of Cagliari and Oristano.

Proprietà organolettiche e valori nutrizionali

The chemical composition of the cultivated asparagus is as follows:
   calories: 15-25
   fibers: 1.5%
   proteins: 2.2%
   carbohydrates: 3.5% fructose

Doctors and nutritionists have attributed to the asparagus important health virtues,
considering it an excellent food in many ways:
dietary, an important component of low-calorie vegetable diets;
vitaminic, its balanced composition combined with mineral salts act as regulators
of the cardiac and nervous system; diuretic, the high Potassium / Nitrogen ratio has a good diuretic activity.

A natural "Detox"
Asparagus acid acts just like a natural diuretic, favoring the elimination of toxins from our body. 
At the same time, the expulsion of harmful substances and free radicals is favored by glutathione, a substance which asparagus is rich (together with avocado and cabbage), not to mention their extraordinary intake of quercetin, rutin, saponins and acids organic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that make asparagus among the most protective vegetables in the prevention of cancer.
They are good for the heart and prevent aging. Antioxidants and potassium also help control blood pressure and protect the cardiovascular system. Richness in antioxidants and abundance in folic acid and other vitamins such as B6, thiamin, K, C, E and carotenoids, make asparagus one of the most able to counteract the negative effects of free radicals. 
protecting cells from aging and thus contributing to the slowing down of the loss of cognitive functions associated with it. The contribution of mineral salts should also be emphasized, among which are potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium and chromium. The latter, in particular, improves blood glucose control. 
Asparagus, vegetables with a very low caloric impact, are rich in inulin, a type of fiber that is a great ally of the digestive system and of the bacterial flora, and are therefore useful for those suffering from constipation and type 2 diabetes.

In gastronomy, the processed and cooked asparagus lends itself to many uses, so much so
find it in many traditional Sardinian recipes.


Asparagus is a multi-year crop with a root system that explores the ground up to exceed the depth meter. It therefore benefits from fertile, deep soils, well ventilated, free of perennial weeds. The optimal physical and chemical characteristics of the soil are as follows: - weaving: frank - sandy - drainage: excellent - depth: not less than 60 cm. pH: subacid 6 - 7.5 The cultivation of asparagus alternates a vegetative phase between spring and autumn, to one of winter rest. During the vegetative phase, the plant produces organic compounds (carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, etc.) which are partly accumulated in the roots like reserve and partly used to differentiate new roots and buds on the rhizome underground. After the winter rest period the vegetative awakening is essentially induced by one minimum soil temperature of 12 ° C for at least 7 days and at the right level of humidity. The shoots develop from the buds using only the reserve substances accumulated in the previous vegetative phase; therefore the concentration of these substances in the roots, decreases progressively during the harvesting period. The stems that differ after the end of the collection period, continue to use the reserve substances for at least 2 - 3 weeks, ie until the end of flowering.

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